A. Quinn Jones House
1013 NW 7th Avenue, Gainesville, FL
A. Quinn Jones, Sr. (1893-1997), teacher, educational leader, and prominent African-American advocate, lived here from 1925 to 1997. The home, built ca. 1920, is a one-story frame bungalow set on brick piers. Jones’ career, spanning the segregation era, was marked by his determination to provide quality education to all African-American children. Jones served as teacher and principal at two of Alachua County’s most important African-American schools, Union Academy (1921-1923) and Lincoln High School (1923-1957). He taught English, Latin, math, and science, and held fundraisers to ensure materials and salaries to his students and staff. In 1924-25, Jones extended Lincoln’s grades to the 12th so that students could earn a full high school diploma. The Florida Department of Education noted Jones’ leadership and in 1926, Lincoln High School became Florida’s second accredited African-American High School. In 1956, Lincoln High School moved to the southeast area of Gainesville and the original building became an elementary school bearing Jones’ name. The A. Quinn Jones Center stands as a memorial to his extraordinary contributions to the African-American community, the people of Alachua County, and the State of Florida.
The A. Quinn Jones House is nominated to the National Register for significance for its biographical association with the personal and professional life of Allen Quinn Jones, an African-American educator.
A.Quinn Jones House is a Florida Historic Marker and National Register of Historic Places.
The City of Gainesville and the Florida Department of State
TAGS: All,All,19th Century